As per Memorandum OUCI-2020-307 from the Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction of the Department of Education entitled "SUGGESTED MEASURES TO FOSTER ''ACADEMIC EASE" DUPING THE COVI D-19 PANDEMIC", here are the topics that may be discussed during the In-Service Training for teachers on December 14-19, 2020: 

1. MELCs-based Quarter 2 Planning for Distance Learning Delivery Modalities (DLDM).

2. Studying the MELCs covered in the first quarter based on the retrieved modules, the results of the study shall be the basis in programming the MELCs and their corresponding modules for Quarter 2 implementation starting on January 4, 2021. 

3. The week may also be used for other activities at the Regional Office (PO), Schools Division Office (SDO), and school levels to assess the implementation of the contextualized Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) and gather evidence as a basis for the plan adjustments.

For more details, please read the DepEd Memorandum OUCI-2020-307.
  • DepEd Memorandum OUCI-2020-307 - DOWNLOAD
  • Inset Training Design Sample - DOWNLOAD
  • Inset Training Matrix Sample - DOWNLOAD