with Automatic Certificates for Grade 1 to 12.

For easy download log in first in your Google/Gmail account and use a laptop.
Using a mobile phone copy the link and paste it into chrome.

1. Download and open the Modified E-Class Records S.Y 2020-2021. 

2. Enter the score of your students in Written Works and Performance Tasks. Copy the Quarter Grades.

3. Download and open the Automated Summary of Grades with Automatic Certificates. DOWNLOAD
 And the Paste the Quarterly Grades  Paste as link/values here. Click " EDIT CERTIFICATES"

4. Edit the Certificate Contents.
  • Font Color
  • Font Size
  • Font Style
  • Alignments
  • Upload/Remove Certificate Background
  • Upload Your School Logo
  • Insert E-Signatures
Note: Do not delete the Name of Student and this line " for his/her commendable effort and achievement WITH HIGHEST HONORS".

5. To generate Certificates, click " GENERATE CERTIFICATES".
and "Yes". 

6. Done. These are the generated Certificates.
You can send the Certificates to your students. Using your Gmail and Messenger.